Uber will allow users to request UberX and Moto trips through WhatsApp

Uber will allow users to request UberX and Moto trips through WhatsApp

Uber has announced a new way to request rides via cell phone, tablet or PC. Starting this Thursday (24), app users will be able to request an UberX or Moto trip via WhatsApp🇧🇷 The function will be available in the initial phase in the Northeast, for the cities of Teresina (PI), São Luís (MA), Sobral (CE) and Juazeiro do Norte (CE).

To request a ride via WhatsApp, you must add the official Uber account number: (11) 94488-3478. Users already registered with the travel service will be able to log in through the messaging application itself, and for those who have not yet registered on the platform, it will be possible to create an account quickly with the help of the Uber robot.

(Image: Disclosure / Uber)

Once the user is logged in, just say “hi”, wait for the response and select “Request a trip”. Uber will allow you to enter the address manually or use the device’s location service. Initially, the rides can only be paid in cash to the driver and will be available on WhatsApp from 06:00 to 22:00.

In order to ensure the safety of customers and partner drivers, trips requested through WhatsApp will have tracking features, such as recording all trips using GPS. In addition, new users must register with the same identity confirmation process and check the Serasa database.

The feature is the result of a partnership between Uber and WhatsApp, and part of the vision that “WhatsApp is how we do things”, according to Guilherme Horn, head of the messaging application in Latin America. For the executive, the novelty aims to integrate services and make the experience easier and more accessible for everyone.

  • You can also add Uber on WhatsApp through this link.
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